
A Middle of the Road Catholic

There’s much confusion in today’s Church.

Tell me about it, says you.

Well, this website isn’t going to get into any debates religious, political, or otherwise.

Instead, it’ll offer hope to today’s Catholics by exploring Catholic spirituality, Catechesis, and Holy Scripture, and topics of interest.

And, guys, scripture’s not just to be blabbed out at Sunday Mass, but to be studied, prayed, meditated on, and lived. It’s the armour, shield and sword for the spiritual battle we face each day.

And Non-Catholics feel free to join us. Everyone’s welcome, and you’ll realise we have much more in common than differences.


Be Loyal to the Truth – Don’t Partisan Bash


So what, you might say. There are loads of websites that do that, what makes yours so different?


And that’s a valid question.

My approach will be a personal one, flavoured by my life experience and spiritual journey. Thoughtful meanderings and meditative or chatty blog posts will help convey the material and offer you hope.

Almost a Catholic armchair approach LOL.

I also hope to do videos and start a podcast in time to add oomph to my service of God’s people.

And if you’re someone who believes you’re an Orthodox Catholic but at the same are fed up with the liberal or conservative bashing others are into, then you’ll fit in here.

Let’s just love and appreciate each other as Our Lord Jesus Christ intended. No partisan bashing required, thanks!

We’ll be the Koomba Ya Brigade toasting the marshmallows at the campfire and having fun while other more grumpy types continue to marinate their muffins, ha!


Find Rest for Your Souls


I’m in it for the long haul, so please wish me well, and pray for the development of this website. Ask the Lord Jesus to touch people’s hearts that visit this website to be open to spiritual growth and healing.

Also, ask Jesus to help convert souls and lead them into a deep relationship with Him. After all, Christians are meant to be missionaries and are to help Jesus save souls.

And may I say, dear Chrisitan soul, be at peace. When you come here, try and leave your troubles aside and rest in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I pray that when you visit here you can put your yoke aside for a little while so you will find rest for your souls (cf. Mt 11:29).